I Can’t Sleep…

I can't sleep...not since you called. When I sleep I dream of you...but they aren't always good dreams. The first night...it was like waking up from a nightmare...I dreamed that the call wasn't real. That I had been asleep...and I woke up crying and called you...you told me everything was fine that it was just … Continue reading I Can’t Sleep…

Happy Thanksgiving…

I feel like a stranger in my own home...mostly because this isn't really my home. My home was wherever you were... Thanksgiving is supposed to be about spending time with the ones you love...and while I love my family...not having you here...knowing that I'm not someone you love...or probably will even think about...hurts. Last year, … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving…


I don't really know where else to say these things...and they aren't entirely chronical of an aromantic...because for once I actually fell in love with someone. If you're wondering why I made a new category...and why is has such a weird name like Tadpole...well it's kind of a nickname his family gave him. He hates … Continue reading Tadpoles…

Emotions Aren’t Enough…

I don't really know what worse right now...the fact that you told me you weren't built for long distance because you need to actually have physical contact with someone...or the fact that you would rather have physical contact with someone else whenever you want...than have it with me when we can. I've never liked physical … Continue reading Emotions Aren’t Enough…

The Perfect Girlfriends…But Still Not Enough

"You've been the perfect girlfriend, and this has been the healthiest...the most loving...and supportive relationship...but...I can't do the distance...I'm not built for this." I can be the perfect girlfriend...I can be the perfect bestfriend...I can be the love of your life...but none of that matters if I can't be in the same city as you? … Continue reading The Perfect Girlfriends…But Still Not Enough